Saturday, April 25, 2015

Department of "So What Else Is New?"

News item: it appears that right-wing operative Peter Schweizer, who sold the "exclusive" rights to his "Clinton Cash" smear job on Hillary Clinton to the New York Times and Washington Post, was also involved in the smearing of Shirley Sherrod years ago, and defended the hate monger Andrew Breitbart's slimy hit job on the one-time Agriculture Department employee who was falsely alleged to have discriminated against white farmers.

As more and more independent investigators are examining the points in the "Clinton Cash" story, they're coming to the conclusion that there's innuendo, badly sourced claims and smoke and little more. That hasn't stopped parts of the malicious Beltway media from publicizing the false claims, all in an effort to cripple her candidacy from the outset, and to signal that any false claim or Rethug opposition research is fair game and welcome in their columns and broadcasts.

(photo:  Poo-flinging at its finest)

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