Friday, October 28, 2016

Republicans Aren't Racist, Cont. - Illinois Senate Race Edition

Republican Sen. Mark "Jerk" Kirk (R- Skunk) let his racist flag fly in a debate with Democratic challenger (and front- runner) Rep. Tammy Duckworth yesterday.  After Duckworth finished a statement about her family's military service dating back to the American Revolution, Jerk had this rejoinder:
“I forgot that your parents came all the way from Thailand to serve George Washington.”
Duckworth's mother is an immigrant from Thailand;  her father's family traces its service to the country back to the American Revolution. Duckworth is a member of Daughters of the American Revolution who lost both legs serving as an Army helicopter pilot in Iraq.

Racist Jerk?  He has other nasty habits:  he's been caught numerous times embellishing his own military record.  He's also opportunistically put his finger in the wind and decided not to endorse neo- fascist demagogue Donald "Rump" Trump because Rump is (irony alert) "too bigoted and racist." 

This desperate, soulless little man needs to go. He's a stain on humanity.

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