Wow. That was the reaction I had to John Batchelor's piece "Attack of the Zombie Republicans" in the Daily Beast. Wow. Surprising because Batchelor is a lifelong conservative Republican and a fixture of right-wing rage radio. His descriptions of such frothers as Limpballs, Gingrich, Cantor, et al, is positively Wolcottian.
If more conservatives (like Dick Lugar, see below) and John Batchelor speak the truth - not what the "mean, thick, and angry" base wants to hear - the Rethugs might not become the 21st Century's version of the Greenback Party.
(h/t HuffPo)
Here's one of the comments after the article:
ReplyDelete"If Rush is wrong about anything, he's again blurring the line between a Republican and a Conservative. Rush is trying to make the Republican party a conservative once again after Bush's liberal years and the nomination of McCain. He's right to try to purge liberals from the party though. As Gallup reports today (and as this nutjob author fails to realize), the nation IS centered around conservative thoughts"
Yes!! Keep thinking that!! Palin 2012!!