Well, it's only been a couple of days, but we're in our bunkers, armed with English/Spanish dictionaries, awaiting the Venezuelan flag to be hoisted over the White House, after President Obama's handshake and smile for Venezuelan leader Hugo "No, You Go" Chavez at the Pan American summit.
After all, as we noted yesterday, the wingutosphere, egged on by Poot Gingrich and lesser lights in the Rethuglican firmament, has told us this is the end of America as we know it. In reality, Chavez was focused on Obama like a heat-seeking garbanzo, as were other leaders crowding around to greet the popular President. In contrast, at the summit two years ago, it was Chavez who was greeted like a hero, while Preznit George W. Culo was sitting by himself, trying to look unconcerned.
The Rethugs are clearly grasping at any little straw, calling him "socialist" and "fascist" in the same ignorant breath, and throwing any bogus issue out to try to cause President Obama's high approval ratings here and abroad to drop. It ain't working, wingers.
UPDATE: It's good to see the President
mocking the wingnuts' manufactured outrage. Keep it up.