CNN reports that a number of establishment Rethuglicans are forming a group, called the National Council for a New America, to "rebrand" the Rethuglican Party. Some of the old, familiar faces include Sen. John McSame, former Gov. and smaller shrub, Jeb Bush, former RNC chairman and Mississippi Gov. Haley "Stale-ee" Barbour, and Willard "Mitt/Mousse/Flip" Romney.* How in the world will they change their image, when the operation is guided by the usual suspects, who have been saying that the reason they've been losing is because they haven't gone far enough to the right? Another sign of the comedy ahead is the fact that this "Council" will report to Congressional Rethug leaders -- the three stooges McConnell, Boehner, and Cantor -- who will certainly be agents of change.
Notably absent is the hip-hop, off the hook voice of RNC Chairman Michael "Tin Man" Steele, a further sign that he's been marginalized in just a few months on the job. (You can also add Gov. Winky You Betcha and Poot Gingrich to those apparently out of the loop -- guess "drill, baby, drill" and shutting down the Federal Government didn't made the "idea" list this time).
*WOLCOTTISM: James Wolcott is already dubbing them the "Elite Anti-Charisma Rescue Team." =snicker=
(Illustration: Daily Kos is adopting the "GOPosaur" as the new Rethug logo; we approve!)
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