Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Good, The Bad, And The Joe

One of the key players in convincing Sen. Specter to switch to the Democratic Party (in addition to right wing Pennsylvania Rethugs) was Vice President Joe Biden, a long time friend and fellow Amtrak rider. Specter credited long conversations with Biden over time as helping him to decide to switch to the Dems. Good for Joe.

Then, the Vice President showed up on the Today Show on NBC this morning, and proceeded to mangle the message that the President delivered last night on the swine flu situation. Instead of reiterating that sick Americans needed to stay home and out of school, off of airplanes and subways, Biden said that he'd suggest everyone avoid "confined spaces" altogether, even if they're not sick: airplanes, elevators, trains, subways, buses, etc. Joe, that would probably bring the country to a standstill; not a good plan. The White House had to rush out a press release to "clarify" his statements. Bad for Joe.

1 comment:

  1. Joe is trying to live up to his rep as one whose brain is not engaged with his mouth. Once again. Hillary for Veep in '12!.
