Friday, July 26, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Michael de Adder,

(Nick Anderson, Reform Austin News, TX)

(Ann Telnaes, Washington Post)

(David Horsey, The Seattle Times)

(Bob Englehart,

(Chris Britt,

(Jack Ohman, Tribune Content Agency)

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Rob Rogers,

(Phil Hands, Wisconsin State Journal)

(John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

(Paul Noth, The New Yorker)

The Malignant Loser's Dictatorial Aims


From writer Chauncey Devega, a look at the Malignant Loser's pledge to be a dictator, and how he's been embraced by the deranged Christofascist identity movement as a demi-god in their "final battle between good and evil":

"The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee was Donald Trump’s official coronation.

Trump has promised to be the country’s first dictator. At a rally in Michigan several days ago, Trump praised China's Xi Jinping as a “brilliant man" who rules over 1.4 billion people with his "iron fist." Trump then said such authoritarian leaders make President Joe Biden look like a “baby.” Trump’s promise to be America’s first dictator is not hyperbolic or idle. He has plans to achieve such a goal as detailed in the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, his own Agenda 47 and elsewhere.

Donald Trump has also repeatedly shown that he is a megalomaniac with a god complex. The personal is very political for authoritarians and demagogues. As such, Trump’s political project reflects his personality defects and other great deficiencies in character, values, and behavior. Such personalities, especially if they are charismatic, attract similar people. The MAGA movement and other such neofascist and fake populist movements are a prime example."  (our emphasis)

It's one of his greatest cons to convince these deluded "Christians" that he -- an irreligious, adulterous, lying, violent, blaspheming cheat -- has been sent by heaven to defeat the evildoers. The botched assassination attempt made him even more of a cult god. He's an example of the fake, self-righteous "Christianity" which many of his followers preach but don't practice. As he's shown on their anti-reproductive freedom issue, he's happy to undercut their harsh positions if he feels he'll get more votes as a result, and few of his flock will revolt.


Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


VP Harris' Big Mo --



Not playing --


An endorsement that says it all --


Namaste! --



We're not going to have a male convicted felon President, especially you --


The J.D. "Junior Demagogue" Vance ongoing disaster --




Nice try, MAGA Mike! --



MAGA world's ultra-reactionary "Catholic" connection (not Leonard Leo and SCOTUS this time!) --


Trump's mentor Putin continues purging his military --



Happy Friday, and Happy Olympics! --




Weekend Music


Asheville, NC- based multi-instrumentalist singer/ songwriter MJ (Jake) Lenderman, who also plays with the band Wednesday, has his fifth album coming out in September, "Manning Fireworks" (so close!). This is his second single from that album, "She's Leaving You."  Hope you enjoy.

QOTD -- The Credulous, Optics-Obsessed Press


"... Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination for a third time on July 17 with a rambling, incoherent mess of a speech that offered a terrifying vision for America during its rare moments of coherence. His performance was widely regarded as a disaster. But a range of major newspapers didn’t cover it that way.

"More than a few headlines actually raved about it. The Boston Globe: 'In a departure, Trump calls for unity, healing in America.' The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 'Trump urges unity after assassination attempt while proposing sweeping populist agenda.' Baltimore Sun: 'Subdued Trump describes assassination try, accepts nomination.'

"As media critic Parker Molloy pointed out, these papers seemingly reported on Trump’s speech based on the prepared remarks, not the speech as he actually delivered it.

"In reality, Trump’s RNC coronation was a collective failure of our justice system, political process, and a mainstream media ecosystem that has consistently failed to hold him accountable. He still faces a tough challenge to win this election — especially now that Harris is on the top of the ticket — but he got a significant propaganda boost from a credulous, optics-obsessed press..." -- Aaron Rupar, in Public Notice, on the continuing role of the media in portraying the convicted felon Malignant Loser as a near- mythical strongman.  If we survive as a democracy, it will be in spite of the media, not because of it.

Obamas Endorse VP Harris For President As Trump Bails On Debate


As expected (but nice, personal vid) --

While it was a foregone conclusion, the Obamas had been waiting for the process for nominating Harris to unfold before formally endorsing.  Now that she has secured the votes of more than enough delegates to be the nominee, the endorsement went forward.

Also as expected, the convicted felon's campaign chickens out on having a "prosecutor vs. felon" debate.  From the convicted felon's lying ass, frightened campaign (via DailyKos):

Given the continued political chaos surrounding Crooked Joe Biden and the Democrat Party, general election debate details cannot be finalized until Democrats formally decide on their nominee. There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party - namely Barack Hussein Obama - that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone “better.” Therefore, it would be inappropriate to schedule things with Harris because Democrats very well could still change their minds.

How many lies and how much gaslighting can you put in one paragraph?!  Also, still with the "Barack Hussein Obama" dogwhistle?  Racist losers all!

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Marian Kamensky,, Austria)

(Bart van Leeuwen,, Netherlands)

(David Rowe, Financial Review, Australia)

(Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News)

(Darrin Bell, King Features)

(Pat Bagley, The Salt Lake Tribune)

(Rob Rogers,

(John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

(Chris Britt,

(Clay Jones,

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Jeremy Nguyen, The New Yorker)

Vid Of The Day


New from George Conway's "Anti-Psycho PAC."  He's making some good mischief.

Tweets / Xeets of the Day

Great campaign video from V.P. Harris --

Trump said that his disabled nephew should be left to die. Nazi eugenics plan much? --


More on the Malignant Loser's "vision" -- 


Shitbird J. D. "Junior Demagogue" Vance and his "childless cat women" slur... --




...and rumors of him having sex with a sofa. "It is irresponsible not to speculate" -- 


Manly Sen. "Cancun Ted" Cruz will defend his cheeseburgers from V.P. Harris!  -- 

"Step on it!" -- 


Stronger Than Expected Economic Activity In Q2


The strongest economy in the world continues to perform:

Economic activity in the U.S. was considerably stronger than expected during the second quarter, according to an initial estimate Thursday from the Commerce Department.

Real gross domestic product, a measure of all the goods and services produced during the April-through-June period, increased at a 2.8% annualized pace adjusted for seasonality and inflation. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been looking for growth of 2.1% following a 1.4% increase in the first quarter.

Consumer spending helped propel the growth number higher, as did contributions from private inventory investment and nonresidential fixed investment.  [snip]

There was some good news on the inflation front: the personal consumption expenditures price index, a key measure for the Federal Reserve, increased 2.6% for the quarter, down from the 3.4% move in Q1. Excluding food and energy, core PCE prices, which the Fed focuses on even more as a longer-term inflation indicator, was up 2.9%, down from 3.7% in the prior period.

The so-called chain-weighted price index, which takes into account changes in consumer behavior, increased 2.3% for the quarter, below the 2.6% estimate...

Reality continues to not jibe with those darn "vibes"!

"Hillbilly Eulogy"


The convicted felon Malignant Loser's unlikable running mate, Sen. J.D. "Junior Demagogue" Vance, is the subject of two hilarious takes on his inauthentic, stumbling start to the campaign, causing some buyer's remorse in MAGA world.  First, from The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, then a brilliant cartoon remix with a voice over by impressionist J-L Cauvin.  Let's all fervently hope he stays on the MAGA Republican ticket!

A Consequential President Passes The Torch


ICYMI last night, this is President Biden's historic speech to the nation, a thoughtful, patriotic, and poignant message from a consequential President who'll become more beloved and valued as time goes on:


We have 102 days until Election Day.  As the next President of the United States said the other day, "When we fight, we win."  Now, let's go out and do just that -- for democracy, for freedom, for justice, and for Joe!

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)


(Kevin Necessary,

(Jack Ohman, Tribune Content Agency)

(David Horsey, The Seattle Times)

(Gary Markstein,

(Lalo Alcaraz, LA Weekly)

(Nick Anderson, Counterpoint)

(Joe Heller,

(Rob Rogers,

(Pia Guerra, @PiaGuerra)

(Jen Sorensen,

(Christopher Weyant, Boston Globe)

(J.D. Crowe, Alabama Media Group)

(Adam Douglas Thompson, The New Yorker)

Quotes Of The Day -- The Bright New Future Vs. The Ugly Old Past


From Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign kickoff speech in Wisconsin yesterday:

“I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”


“Ultimately, in this election, we each face a question: What kind of country do we want to live in?  Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear and hate?

"We each have the power to answer that question.  The power is with the people."


Tweets/ Xeets Of The Day


Misogynist MAGAts floundering over Harris' candidacy --








Unlikable Sen. J.D. "Junior Demagogue" Vance's personal misogyny, cont. --




A musical salute to Junior Demagogue from Britain's Marsh Family --


Trump's only "wise investment" --



And boom goes the Biscuit! --