Friday, July 26, 2024

The Malignant Loser's Dictatorial Aims


From writer Chauncey Devega, a look at the Malignant Loser's pledge to be a dictator, and how he's been embraced by the deranged Christofascist identity movement as a demi-god in their "final battle between good and evil":

"The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee was Donald Trump’s official coronation.

Trump has promised to be the country’s first dictator. At a rally in Michigan several days ago, Trump praised China's Xi Jinping as a “brilliant man" who rules over 1.4 billion people with his "iron fist." Trump then said such authoritarian leaders make President Joe Biden look like a “baby.” Trump’s promise to be America’s first dictator is not hyperbolic or idle. He has plans to achieve such a goal as detailed in the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, his own Agenda 47 and elsewhere.

Donald Trump has also repeatedly shown that he is a megalomaniac with a god complex. The personal is very political for authoritarians and demagogues. As such, Trump’s political project reflects his personality defects and other great deficiencies in character, values, and behavior. Such personalities, especially if they are charismatic, attract similar people. The MAGA movement and other such neofascist and fake populist movements are a prime example."  (our emphasis)

It's one of his greatest cons to convince these deluded "Christians" that he -- an irreligious, adulterous, lying, violent, blaspheming cheat -- has been sent by heaven to defeat the evildoers. The botched assassination attempt made him even more of a cult god. He's an example of the fake, self-righteous "Christianity" which many of his followers preach but don't practice. As he's shown on their anti-reproductive freedom issue, he's happy to undercut their harsh positions if he feels he'll get more votes as a result, and few of his flock will revolt.


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