Friday, July 26, 2024

QOTD -- The Credulous, Optics-Obsessed Press


"... Trump accepted the Republican presidential nomination for a third time on July 17 with a rambling, incoherent mess of a speech that offered a terrifying vision for America during its rare moments of coherence. His performance was widely regarded as a disaster. But a range of major newspapers didn’t cover it that way.

"More than a few headlines actually raved about it. The Boston Globe: 'In a departure, Trump calls for unity, healing in America.' The Atlanta Journal-Constitution: 'Trump urges unity after assassination attempt while proposing sweeping populist agenda.' Baltimore Sun: 'Subdued Trump describes assassination try, accepts nomination.'

"As media critic Parker Molloy pointed out, these papers seemingly reported on Trump’s speech based on the prepared remarks, not the speech as he actually delivered it.

"In reality, Trump’s RNC coronation was a collective failure of our justice system, political process, and a mainstream media ecosystem that has consistently failed to hold him accountable. He still faces a tough challenge to win this election — especially now that Harris is on the top of the ticket — but he got a significant propaganda boost from a credulous, optics-obsessed press..." -- Aaron Rupar, in Public Notice, on the continuing role of the media in portraying the convicted felon Malignant Loser as a near- mythical strongman.  If we survive as a democracy, it will be in spite of the media, not because of it.

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