The continued attempts at reinventing former Preznit Dumbya's legacy have been underway for some time now, with Turdblossom Rove and Ari "Flush Me" Fleischer leading the lying band of former aides. They're gathering in Dallas this week to discuss plans for something called a "George W. Bush Policy Institute." WaPo columnist Richard Cohen -- who, like a blind squirrel, sometimes find a nut -- suggests that the institute should be named "George W. Bush Institute of Management Failure," and proceeds to remind us of the horrific legacy of the Chimpster and his incompetent band: two unfinished wars, the aftermath of Katrina, subversion of the Constitution, and a wrecked economy. Well worth a read.
Frankly, we don't care what they do with their joke of an "institute," but when they attack a President who has been in office for 11 weeks and who is trying to clean up the mess they left behind, they deserve ridicule.
(photo: management genius at work)
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