Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Stupanity - the combination of stupidity and insanity - seems to be afflicting a large proportion of the Rethuglican party, according to a recent poll by Research 2000 for Daily Kos. Looking at this poll provides insight into the Rethug mind-hive, to wit:

36% still continue to think Obama was not born in the U.S.

31% think Obama is a racist.

A whopping 63% think Obama is a socialist.

Sure, you have a lot of low- and- no- information people out there, you have your garden variety racists, authoritarians, crackpots, and other sociopaths. An overwhelming percentage of the crazies seem to reside in the solid Rethug South. But the extent to which this is commonplace in Rethug ranks cannot help but send a chill down your spine. Having these people -- or rather their cynical representatives -- back in power again would mean setting the clock back decades in this country.

(Image: One of the saner thinkers on the Rethug right.)

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