Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yesterday's Results

Dems have a mixed bag to pore over after yesterday's primary elections in several States. The win in Arkansas' Dem primary by incumbent Sen. Blanche Lincoln only postpones the expected Rethug pickup of the seat in November, but it did send Lincoln and other conserva-Dems a message from the party's progressive base: if you call yourself a Democrat, vote like a Democrat or we'll primary you. She took progressive support 6 years ago, and then often voted like a Rethuglican; strangely, Bill Clinton supported her, despite her rejection of his arguments last November to vote for health care reform.

On a brighter note, Sen. Harry Reid's reelection bid seemed to get a boost after Nevada Rethuglicans voted for uber-wingnut and teabagger loon Sharron "Right" Angle as their candidate. Some of Right Angle's weirder notions include the abolition of Social Security. That won't go over big in a general election, regardless of the anti-incumbent mood.

Finally, conserva-Sikh Nicky "Sticky" Haley won the Rethug primary for Governor in South Carolina, despite allegations from two men that she had affairs with them. Sticky becomes the odds-on favorite in November, assuming video evidence doesn't surface later showing her hiking the Appalachian Trail.

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