Monday, January 3, 2011
A Teatardist's Awakening?
More on the tea party front! The Kaplan Daily ran a long piece the other day about a tea party activist named Gena Bell that reveals the extent to which Ms. Bell and other naive teatards are being used by the likes of "Americans for Prosperity." ("Americans for Prosperity," you may recall, is an astro-turf far-right organization funded by the billionaire Koch brothers for the express purpose of derailing the Obama agenda.) Ms. Bell and fellow teatard sheeple were invited by "Americans for Prosperity" to be a rent-a-crowd for a demonstration AFP was organizing at the climate change conference held recently in Cancun, Mexico. Expenses paid.
It appears from the article, though, that the astro-turfers need to do a better job of keeping the wool pulled over their sheeples' eyes. At some point, it dawned on Ms. Bell that the Koch Brothers' agenda and hers might be different (she's said to have "felt like a prop for Americans for Prosperity"). Can I get a "Duh!" Wait until the new session of Congress gets underway, Ms. Bell; you'll get a chance to see what it's like to feel like a prop for House Rethugs, too!
(Image: "We is not 'morans,' we is competnt!")