Tuesday, August 2, 2011

No It Wasn't & No You Won't

President Obama, in his Rose Garden speech on passage of the debt ceiling ransom bill by the Senate, said that the bill was "a compromise" and that he would "continue to fight for a balanced approach" to deficit reduction. Really?!?

Yes, it was a compromise, if by "compromise" you mean "[smack] Thank you teatards, may I have another?" Orange Boner was caught telling the truth yesterday when he said the Rethugs got "98 percent" of what they were asking for. In whose language is that a "compromise?"

Yes, we're confident you'll "continue to fight for a balanced approach," Mr. President, just as you "fought" for it in the recent debacle, before you folded; just as you "fought" for a larger stimulus, before you folded; just as you "fought" for the public option, before you folded; just as you "fought" to end the tax cuts for the wealthy, before you folded; just as you "fought" to defend Van Jones, before you cast him overboard; just as you "fought" for the nomination of Elizabeth Warren; just as you "fought" for the nomination of Goodwin Liu for the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals; just as you "fought" for the nomination of Nobel laureate Peter Diamond for Federal Reserve Governor. Yes, we're quite confident in your fightin' abilities!!

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