Saturday, July 7, 2012

Voter Suppression in Pennsylvania

One of the results of electing a Rethuglican governor and legislature is that they try to alter the playing field to their advantage. That means suppressing the Democratic vote by any means necessary. Pennsylvania, a blue state with a Rethuglican governor and legislature, is in the process of potentially disenfranchising as many as 750,000 voters:
"As has been noted nationally, the estimated 750,000 voters who do not have state-issued IDs in Pennsylvania surpasses President Obama’s margin of victory in 2008. Given that many of the voters without ID are in poor and minority communities, Democrats assume the law will impact their turnout the most. And they’re not the only ones: the Republican leader of the state House, who helped shepherd the legislation onto the books, recently boasted that it will 'allow' Mitt Romney win the Keystone State."

Please remember that in the mind of the average Rethuglican, America is a "republic," not a "democracy," the distinction to them being that a republic can be a democracy, aristocracy or oligarchy (the latter being the preferred model for the Rethugs). Rethugs don't believe in "one man, one vote" democracy, but rather in a governing system that favors the "wealth/ job creators" and seeks to disenfranchise the poor or vulnerable (the Rethugs would call them "the non-producers," or "spongers"). See Citizens United. See also Rand, Ayn. That's why they exhibit no remorse or conscience in their efforts to deny the vote to their fellow citizens.

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