Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Bobby's Bungle in the Bayou

The crashing sound you hear from Louisiana is Rethuglican Gov. Bobby "Kenneth" Jindal's plummeting approval ratings, now down to a miserable 38%, lower than President Obama's who lost the state in 2012.  Whatever national political prospects he had also seem to be crashing and burning:  The Governor had to withdraw a regressive sales tax proposal after it became clear that it would soak the poor and middle class and reward upper income citizens disproportionately.  In Rethug politics, going back on promising to cut taxes is deadly.

Here again, the trickle down tax policy that Rethuglicans have been advancing for 30 years,  most recently by Cayman Island money-stasher Willard "Corporations Are People, My Friend" Romney, can't stand the light of day when examined.  The more that the public realizes that when their taxes are lowered by pennies, upper income earners and corporations have theirs lowered by dollars.  Public services -- schools, infrastructure, public safety -- are degraded, with no offsetting increase in jobs or economic activity, just increases in the thickness of the wallets of the 1%.

BONUS:  Here's the estimable Charles Pierce's take on Bobby's bungle in Esquire.com.

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