Thursday, January 23, 2014

Huckabee Still Not Scoring With The Ladies

The toobz are abuzz today with comments made by Bible banger and former Gov. Mike "Huckleberry" Huckabee (R-Genitalia) at the Republican National Committee's Winter Meeting.  Seems like the once and future Republican candidate for President has some thoughts about the Republican War on Women -  er, make that the Demoncrat War on Women.  Sensing that the women of America wanted to hear yet another middle-aged, uptight, white Republican school them on politics and sex,
Huckabee said Democrats tell women “they are helpless without Uncle Sugar coming in and providing them for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of government.”  [our emphasis]
Of all the ripostes to Huckleberry's attempt at oratorical ju-jitsu, we like TBogg's best:
So there you have it. Democrats know that the ladies would like to be sexing and succubusing the shit out of men 24/7 because of their out of control “libido” but  the gals also don’t want to be pooping out a baby every nine months. So Democrats will give women free birth control in exchange for their votes in much the same way that they give the blacks free Obamaphones. If you are a black lady, check your mailbox, you may have won twice!
If Huckleberry's "reading" of "the ladies" is representative of "thinking" in Republican circles, we despair of their "rebranding."

BONUS:  Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog reminds us who Huckleberry is channeling (hint: "Oink-oink.")

BONUS II:  Preacher Huckleberry has a consistency hypocrisy problem, we think.  Shocking!
Funny story: in 2005, Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee signed a law mandating Arkansas insurance plans provide contraception coverage, including church-affiliated organizations such as hospitals and universities. 
Nine years ago, Huckabee thought that the government should ensure that everyone had access to contraception. In fact, as the Los Angeles Times detailed in 2012, all sorts of Republicans were happily embracing contraception coverage mandates in the days of Bush and Clinton.

(Photo:  "The Lord says, 'Control your libido without the help of gummint,' ladies!")

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