Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lying Liars Still Lying, Koch Edition

The far-right plutocrat polluters Charles and David Koch's front "Astroturf" organization, "Americans for (Koch) Prosperity," are running $2.5 million in ads in states where Dem Senators face re-election in 2014.  The ads attack the Affordable Care Act, which is succeeding despite fierce opposition from Rethugs and a botched launch, specifically the canard that "millions" will lose their coverage that the President "promised" they could keep.  The actual number of people in that situation is more like 10,000, not millions.  The reason insurance companies dropped coverage is because their junk plans didn't comply with the ACA's requirement that the companies couldn't drop the insurance when their customers got sick, and the insurance had to allow for pre-existing conditions.

With over a million new enrollees in the past month, and ACA-prompted Medicaid expansion reaching millions more, the far-right knows, and fears, that this achievement -- which the far right and Rethuglicans fought every step of the way -- will prove as popular as other Democratic achievements like Social Security and Medicare.  They're again on the wrong side of history.

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