Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sagebrush Moochers

In recent days, a small storm of violence has erupted in Nevada over a renegade rancher's refusal to pay some $1 million he owes in public land grazing fees to American taxpayers.  A Federal court has ordered the Bureau of Land Management to round up millionaire rancher Cliven "Cliven Hoof" Bundy's cattle until the fees are paid.   After BLM agents enforced the court order, the wingnut tom-toms were sounded, and as many as 1,500 assorted right-wing militia, "sovereign citizen," and other AK-47 toting radicals descended on little Bunkerville, NV in an act of lawlessness.  Poor Cliven Hoof:  denied a freebie by the Gummint he despises.

It's ironic that many of the radicals would be the first to call for military intervention by the U.S. almost anywhere in the world (and particularly in the Middle East), but don't want to pay taxes that go in large part to support the men and women of the armed forces when they're in harm's way and after they return home and require care.  Same story with medical research, etc.  They don't want to pay taxes that they owe as part of their U.S. citizenship responsibilities, and they don't mind shifting the burden to you and me while yelling about their "patriotism."

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