Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Sen. Landrieu: Obamacare and Medicaid Benefits "Worth Fighting For"

Generally, Louisiana Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu isn't a Democrat we quote approvingly, but in an interview with Greg Sargent, Landrieu comes out swinging in favor of Medicaid expansion in Louisiana and supporting (but "fixing") Obamacare.  Here's a portion of the interview (our emphasis added):
"[Not expanding Medicaid] would be a real setback for the people of Louisiana, many of whom are working 30, 40, 50 hours a week but find themselves caught in the Jindal gap because the state refuses to expand health care options to the working poor at little to no expense,” Landrieu told me, referring to Governor Bobby Jindal’s opposition to the expansion. [snip] 
“[Obamacare's] a solid law that needs improvement,” Landrieu said. “My opponent offers nothing but repeal, repeal, and repeal. And even with all the law’s setbacks, we’re seeing benefits for thousands of people in Louisiana.” 
I think the benefits that people have received are worth fighting for...”
That's right, Senator, they ARE worth fighting for.  Let's hope you and other Democrats up for election this year (or not) fight for these humane and progressive laws and benefits, because that's a winning strategy.

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