Thursday, April 3, 2014

The War On The Plutocrats Has It's First Victim, No Wait Second, No Wait ...

As we noted yesterday, the plutocrat Republican majority on the Supreme Court further trashed campaign contribution limits that have been in place since the Constitution-shredding Republican debacle known as Watergate.  Today, in the tradition of other Republican-funding, self-pitying plutocrat billionaires, Evil Koch #1 (Charles) penned an op/ed in the (where else?) Wall Street Journal bawling about how unfairly he and Evil Koch #2 (David) are being treated by the "collectivists."  (Haven't heard that term lately, though we don't make a point of visiting the fever swamps of the John Birch Society/ Ayn Rand/ tea bagger world).  Don't we "collectivists" get it?  Their "free speech" is not only infinitely more deep-pocketed, but it's not supposed to be criticized!

As a public service, and as an antidote to the projection, piety and false umbrage in the op/ed,  we wish to point out a few things to anyone unfamiliar with the Koch brothers' assault on American democracy:

-- they're the compassionate plutocrats who fund the "Americans for Plutocrat Prosperity" ads, most recently those manifestly dishonest anti-Obamacare ads running in key States;

-- they're the civic-minded plutocrats opposing a mass transit project in Tennessee;

-- they're the environmentalist plutocrats who fund deniers of global climate change;

-- they're the grass-roots plutocrats who fund (through "Americans for Plutocrat Prosperity") the credulous cosplay conservative "grass-roots" movement known as the Tea Baggers Party;

-- they're the transparent plutocrats who have created a network of "dark money" fronts to hide fellow plutocrats' funding of far-right causes;

-- they're the small-d democratic plutocrats (along with the American Legislative Exchange Council) funding the voter suppression activities around the country.

Yeah, nothing to worry about from them.

(Image:  The Koch brothers (visual approximation) with apologies to Matt Groening & The Simpsons)

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