Friday, December 5, 2014

Job Figures Soar

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the economy added 321,000 jobs in November, a significant jump over the previous month and the most jobs added to the economy in roughly 3 years.  It also marked the 50th straight month of job growth, something Rethuglicans will never acknowledge given that the last month the Rethugs were in control of the White House, the economy was losing an incredible  750,000 jobs per month.

Why this hasn't penetrated the public's consciousness is a testament to the relentless assault by Rethugs on the Obama Administration and the feckless, spineless nature of Dem politicians who don't know how to spread good news, because somewhere, somehow, someone doesn't have a job. Wage stagnation continues to be a huge problem, and it's not helped by the fact that some in the business community =cough= 1 per centers =cough= view prosperity as something they're entitled to but not their workers.

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