Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Today's History Lesson

"Enormous, positive reverberations."  Bibi Bomb Bomb's 0 for 1 as far as predicting events in the Middle East, and now he wants us to initiate a new war because the last one turned out so well. (Note the smug-looking gent over Bibi Bomb Bomb's left shoulder:  it's none other than former Rethug operative and current Likudnik Ambassador to the U.S. Ron "Dermertitis" Dermer).

(image:  h/t to Balloon-Juice)


  1. Oh goodness. Don't you know we can't dwell in the past? Greeted as liberators? Or the Iraq War will pay for itself? Or Mission Accomplished? focusing on that or Net and Yahoos lies would be wrong.

    Unless you want to dish and investigate Hillary Clinton and her private emails???

  2. C'mon Gene, we all know that Hillary's e-mails were responsible for Pearl Harbor, 9-11 and Benghazi-BENGHAZI-BENGHAZI!!! J.E.B. for Preznit!
