Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Our Broken Media, Cont'd.

This year and most of 2016 we will be deluged with smear ads that will attempt to reverse any gains by Democratic candidates, most prominently Hillary Clinton.  It's already begun, with the right-wing Wurlitzer churning out Rethuglican talking points and op-eds about the pseudo "scandals" of Benghazi, Benghazi! BENGHAZI!! and Clinton's private e-mail account. Huge sums of "dark" plutocrat money will be spent in those efforts, but when you can get a lazy, malicious press to pass the smears on for free, you've saved yourself some significant loot.

Introducing "Clinton Cash," a swift boat-style book by right-wing think tank hack Peter Schweizer, that purports to "expose" financial dealings involving the Clintons and foreign governments through the Clinton Global Initiative.  Not surprisingly, Schweizer is also the former editor-at-large at the far-right Breitbart News, an organization whose sole purpose is smearing progressives, and president of the official-sounding "Government Accountability Institute," which is a cog in the well-funded lie manufacturing conglomerate of right-wing think tanks, opposition research boiler rooms, and political action committees.

What makes this story so repellent is that the New York Times and the Washington Post have joined the Fux Network is signing up for "exclusives" from the book, eliminating the need for wingnut money to be spent hawking it.  They really need to draw salaries from the Republican National Committee for their exemplary stenography.

BONUS:  Charles P. Pierce weighs in on the "arrangement" between Schweizer and our two leading newspapers.

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