Sunday, April 19, 2015

Ready For Hillary ... Smearing

Now that Hillary Clinton has officially announced her candidacy for the Democratic Party nomination "coronation" for President, the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party has a new target for its lies, smears and hair- on- fire rhetoric:
[T]heir national party has already put itself on a footing for a general-election battle with Clinton — ignoring her lesser-known Democratic rivals and reviving Clinton scandals and pseudoscandals old and new.
Reince Priebus, the combative chairman of the Republican National Committee, is leading the blitz. In recent days, the RNC has launched its “Stop Hillary” initiative with a Web ad that raises questions about foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation and her use of a private e-mail account at the State Department.
Clinton critics in the conservative movement have also been active. Books, films and social-media campaigns are all in the works, set to be unleashed in the coming months.
"Unleash the hounds, Reince Priebus!" (the "emptiest suit in America" -- h/t Charles Pierce).  Yes, we're quite sure that we will get more Benghazi! Benghazi!! BENGHAZI!!!  and email-gate conspiracies re-warmed-over and served to us, as well as "shocking" "new" "revelations (!)" =cough= old chestnuts =cough= about the Clinton Foundation, or Huma Abedin, or who killed Col. Mustard in the kitchen with a rolling pin.  All scurrilous memes to be aided and abetted by the Clinton-hating media.  Some "coronation."

We can also be quite sure that Republicans might be (barely) smart enough to temper their sexist tirades and soft-pedal their War on Women policies, so as not to stimulate the female and progressive vote for Hillary (Republican blind squirrel Kathleen Parker counsels that today).  But, even if they use female surrogates like business- and politics-failure Carly "Snarly" Fiorina to catapult their smears, women voters know which party will fight for them and is on the side of equal pay for equal work, women's reproductive rights, and all the other issues vital to them, and it ain't the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party.

BONUSSteve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog gives us some examples of the comedy stylings of self-certified ophthalmologist Sen. "Ayn" Rand Paul (Dudebro-Catskills), whose family has no baggage, no sir!

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