Saturday, May 9, 2015

Guess Which Republican Ron Fournier Is Working For Now

The National Journal's resident not- so- crypto- Republican Ron "Leadership!" Fournier once famously sent an email to Bush assministration political "whiz" Karl "Turdblossom" Rove, encouraging Rove to "keep up the fight."  Last February, he gave little brother Bush a thoroughgoing tongue-bath following a speech "J.E.B." made at the Detroit Economic Club.

Yesterday, Fournier writes a blistering piece on recent Republican clown car entrant Mike "Huckster" Huckabee, calling him a, well, "huckster," and a lot more.  (He scores added Republican mole points for getting in some shots of the Clintons, of course.)  We won't be surprised if, in between future salvos at the Clintons and more Bush ass-kissing, Fournier gets in some shots at "J.E.B."'s other Republican rivals -- not that we mind if he does.

We realize we gave it away right at the top when we dropped the names Bush and Rove, but could it be any more obvious that this ostensibly neutral, professional political "analyst" has more than a rooting interest in a particular candidate and a particular party?  (To be fair, Fournier also seems to have a stiffie for Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio, too;  poor man doesn't seem to know to whom to give his heart.)

BONUS:  This kinda bolsters (if it were needed) an observation/ acorn found by Politic-ho "media" blind squirrel Dylan Byers:
[T]he national media have never been more primed to take down Hillary Clinton (and, by the same token, elevate a Republican candidate). Even before she announced her presidential bid, The New York Times alone had published more than 40 articles related to her private email account, spurring other stories across the national print, digital and television media. Since announcing her bid, the national media have spent the bulk of their time investigating potential lines of influence between Clinton Foundation donations/speaking fees and Clinton's actions as secretary of state. The Times, The Washington Post and others even struck deals for early access to anti-Clinton research. (our emphasis)
"Liberal media," our asses.

(Photo:  We're thinking "eight ball, side pocket.")

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