Saturday, May 2, 2015

Letter To The Gutless Governor of Texas

"I am horrified that I have to choose between the possibility that my Governor actually believes this stuff and the possibility that my Governor doesn’t have the backbone to stand up to those who do...I am appalled that you would give credence to the nonsense mouthed by those who instead make decisions based on internet or radio shock jock driven hysteria.  Is there ANYBODY who is going to stand up to this radical nonsense that is cancer on our State and Party?"--  Former Texas Republican state legislator Todd Smith, in a letter written to wingnut Gov. Greg "Abbadabba"Abbott about his exploitation of a meme from the fever swamps of the far right that U.S. military training exercises in Texas are a "cover" for a takeover of the State.  To answer Mr. Smith's question, apparently you're a lone voice in the wilderness.

There was a time in this country where one would only hear such crackpot "theories" in a mental institution.  Now, it's the norm for so many on the paranoid, conspiracy-minded hard right, and Gov. Abbadabba and his fellow Rethuglican / New Confederate / Stupid Party leaders know better but lack the guts to confront the idiocy.

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