Monday, September 21, 2015

Is Carly Fiorina A Pathological Liar, Or Just A Common One?

As we previously noted, Republican who- will- never- be- President star of the moment "Snarly" Carly Fiorina has been caught in another lie, but continues to double-down:
At last week’s Republican debate, Carly Fiorina described a Planned Parenthood video showing “a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking, while someone says, ‘We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.’”

There is no such video. It does not exist. This pesky detail has since touched off a striking series of events.
Among those events was this recent exchange with no less than Chris Wallace on GOP-TV Fox "News:"
WALLACE: First of all, do you acknowledge what every fact checker has found, that as horrific as that scene is, it was only described on the video by someone who claimed to have seen it? There is no actual footage of the incident that you just mentioned? 
FIORINA: No, I don’t accept that at all. I’ve seen the footage. And I find it amazing, actually, that all these supposed fact-checkers in the mainstream media claim this doesn’t exist. They’re trying to attack the authenticity of the videotape.  (our emphasis)
That's right - every fact checker rated Snarly's statement as a figment of her imagination at best, or as we would characterize it,  a lie. We've noted this is becoming something of a habit for Snarly.  But since the knuckle- draggers she's appealing to don't particularly want to be confused by facts that they don't agree with (and the media rarely calls these jamokes in real time), there is little downside to lying your ass off if you're a Republican running for office.  In fact, if you can turn it around and blame the "mainstream media" after you've been caught in a blatant lie, you've "won the morning!"

But we'd like to leave you with the Zen Twitter stylings of front-runner Donald "Rump" Trump, who continues to be bearish on Snarly:

Now, that's what we call the truth, Snarly.

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