Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Scariest Republican Crackpot

Eugene Robinson has an op/ed today that tells us who's the scariest crackpot in the Republican presidential clown car bus (and, hoo-boy, that's saying something!):
The craziest thing about the Republican presidential contest isn’t that Donald Trump is in the lead. It’s that Dr. Ben Carson — who truly seems to have lost his mind — is in second place and gaining fast.
Trump may be a blowhard, but Carson has proved himself to be a crackpot of the first order. Of all the GOP contenders, he’s the scariest.
Robinson highlights (lowlights?) the very odd pronouncements of Carson on guns, the Holocaust, guns, President Obama, guns, and the Affordable Care Act -- and, oh yeah, guns.  The man may be an estimable surgeon, but in his ignorant musings on history, politics and cultural issues, Carson demonstrates he's a few sutures short of a closing.  ("The Nightly Show's" Larry Wilmore also had an epic take-down of Carson last week.) 

At the very least, it seems his rise, along with Rump Trump's, in the Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party polls (a combined 48%!!) tells us their base has an affinity for ignorant cranks -- an example of water seeking its own level? --  an observation you will never see in the craven "mainstream media."

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