In today's New York Times, columnist Frank Bruni executes a hard takedown of smarmy demagogue Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz that's going to leave a mark. Bruni details Tailgunner Ted's nihilistic, spotlight-seeking behavior, going back to his service in Dumbya's 2000 Presidential campaign, as well as his days at Princeton, traits which have not endeared him to anyone that he's served with. Says one veteran of Dumbya's campaign:
“Why do people take such an instant dislike to Ted Cruz? It just saves time.”Tailgunner Ted (so named for his similarity in appearance and style to Joe McCarthy) is loathed by his Republican colleagues in the Senate, who have observed his pattern of self-aggrandizement and incendiary rhetoric. He thought nothing of engineering the Government shutdown in 2013 in a clearly futile attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which angered the general public. His McCarthyite smear of former Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Vietnam veteran-- himself a Republican -- disgusted even hardliners like Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain. His Princeton roommate has said on the record that anyone would be preferable to Tailgunner Ted as President (back in 2013, we noted the Tailgunner's reputation as a creep while at Princeton).
Tailgunner Ted will face increasing scrutiny -- and attacks from his nearest competitors -- as his poll numbers rise. His coming face-off with fellow Cubano gusano Sen. Marco "Glug Glug" Rubio will likely damage both, but Glug Glug has Senate Rethugs and their organizations lining up against the Tailgunner, which still counts for something despite the rabid base's distrust of them.
(photo: Tailgunner Joe and Tailgunner Ted, made for each other)
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