Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Twit, Counter Twit (UPDATED)

Getting down and dirty with the front running Republican "presidential" candidates today!

An anti- Donald "Rump" Trump PAC ran an ad in heavily- Mormon Utah that included images of Rump's third wife, Melania, when she posed nude for GQ magazine.  Rump, being the cool- headed type of guy you want with his finger on the nuclear button, mistakenly assumed it was the work of  Sen. "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz and fired off a threatening tweet.  Of course, Tailgunner Ted retaliated.  Here's the image the ad used, followed by a war of tweets (twits?):

Today's Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid/ Shooter's Party, ladies and gentlemen!

UPDATE:  Ooooh, even stiff-necked moral paragon Willard "Mittens" Romney is talking trash:
“Donald Trump has had several foreign wives. It turns out that there really are jobs Americans won’t do.”
UPDATE II:   Tailgunner Ted in Wisconsin calls Rump "a sniveling coward."

UPDATE III:  When asked repeatedly if he'd support that "sniveling coward" Rump if he was nominated, Tailgunner Ted refused to say yes or no.  Conclusion:  It takes a sniveling coward to know a sniveling coward!


  1. Her hands seem larger than her husband's.

  2. You're right!

    [Sexist comment considered, then deleted]
