Saturday, April 9, 2016

Case Study In Republican Hypocrisy: Dennis Hastert

Former longest- serving Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is currently in the sentencing phase, having pleaded guilty for paying hush money to a young person he sexually molested decades earlier. Due to the statute of limitations, Hastert won't face child sexual abuse charges, but that's not stopping the prosecutors from bringing out all Hastert's dirty laundry:
In a document that outlined sentencing recommendations, prosecutors said Hastert molested at least four boys involved with the wrestling team. They detailed how he offered massages in a locker room, then inappropriately touched some boys. Another alleged incident occurred in a motel room on a wrestling trip.
It's difficult to imagine Hastert's behavior changing later in his life, but so far no one has come forward to level additional charges.  Meanwhile, it's instructive to remember just what a hypocrite this serial child molester was (click on image to enlarge):

Remember who preceded Hastert?  First, there was serial adulterer and tax cheat Newt Gingrich, followed by Bob Livingston, who withdrew as Speaker- designate after it was disclosed that he, too, had an extra- marital affair.  A Republican rogue's gallery to be sure.

It's become clear over the years that the Republican Party has become the home and safe place for racists, homophobes, sociopaths, frauds, quacks, bullies, sexual predators, yahoos and hypocrites of all stripes -- and  those are just the elected ones!  Whether or not the party survives long into the future doesn't much matter, since such a deeply flawed segment of our population will always find a way to organize themselves along the principles of selfishness, self- aggrandizement and afflicting the poor and defenseless.  Whatever name they choose, they'll always be "Republicans."

(Photo:  "I got your hush money right here!")


  1. What is it with people in power and little boys? Republicans have become the party of pedophiles, racists, fascists, homophobes, criminals, adulterers, religious fanatics, etc. No wonder people like Trump and Cruz are the best they have to offer as president.

  2. Yeah, Jerry, the rot at their core is there for all to see who want to see.

  3. As always whatever Republicans complain the most loudly of is the "sin" they themselves are guilty of committing. That's why all the Strum und Drang about Bill Clinton or Anthony Weiner was done by Republicans guilty of much, much, much worse; Mark Foley, J. Dennis Hastert, Mark Sanford, Gingrich, David Vitter, Joe Scarbrough and on and on.

    It's a corrollary to the Republican jingoistic flag-waving false patriotism. Those conservatives who screech the most loudly of Duty and Honor are those who've never served a day in uniform.

  4. It's really axiomatic that hypocrisy runs in their blood. At least they're all coalesced in one political party (makes hypocrite "profiling" a lit easier!). Thanks Gene.
