Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday Funnies

(click to enlarge)

In his last ditch effort to stop the momentum of rival sociopath and neo-fascist Donald "Rump" Trump in Tuesday's Indiana primary, "Tailgunner Ted" Cruz formed a make-believe ticket-that's-never-gonna-happen with job destroyer and serial liar Carly "Snarly" Fiorina. She's neither a plus nor minus for the Tailgunner, since she's a clone of his as far as policy is concerned and won't bring in new voters (her own following is negligible -- she ended her own campaign with numbers in the low single digits). The latest (April 26-28) NBC/WSJ/Marist poll shows Rump with a 15-point lead in Indiana, a difference that even with a stunt like the Tailgunner pulled will be hard to overcome.

(cartoon: Steve Breen, San Diego Union-Tribune, via

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