Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"Sen. Vitter, Call Your Office"

Senator and D.C. Madam client David Vitter (Rethug-LA) is apparently in hiding, having missed several meetings and hearings on the Hill today and yesterday, and well he should be. His wife Wendy, after all, has been quoted as saying she would treat adultery on his part in the same manner as Lorena "Ginsu" Bobbitt did. Now comes word that Vitter is linked to a brothel in New Orleans, of which he was also a regular customer, according to the former madam there, Jeannette Maier.

Of course, what makes Vitter such a worthy candidate for Bobbitting is not just his betrayal of his wife and children, but his sanctimonious hypocrisy (even for a Rethug), sermonizing about the sanctity of marriage while doing the missionary mambo, and saying (in 1998) that President Clinton should resign because of the Lewinsky affair. When you're not concentrating on keeping sharp objects out of your wife's hands, you should try penning a resignation letter yourself, Sen. Zipper.

Update: The Rethug spinmeisters are in full Defcon III ho damage control. *ucker Carlson, on his smug show today, tried to badger Michael Rectenwald, of Citizens for Legitimate Government, into apologizing for being one of the groups outing Sen. Zipper. Saying Zipper's sex life should be his own business, *ucker committed Rethug apostasy: one could infer from *ucker's new-found sensitivity that the Rethugs may have wrongly and salaciously inflated Bill Clinton's peccadilloes into an impeachment charade; and *ucker may have also abandoned a prime Rethug tenet that snooping into America's bedrooms was the business of every right-thinking right-winger.

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