Sunday, March 9, 2008

Incontinence on the Right

Today's WaPo provides some evidence that all is not well in Wingnuttia with regard to presumptive Rethug nominee Walnuts! McSame.

Exhibit A: Crackpot L. Brent "Bozo" Bozell, preznit of the Media Research Center, has an op/ed "From the Right, He [McSame] Looks Too Blue." Sample "thought": "McCain may have the Beltway crowd in his corner, but grass-roots conservatives aren't sold." Primo howler: "He [McSame] needs to rebuild its military infrastructure, so devastated by the Clinton administration." Ahem, Bozo, who's been in office the past 7 agonizing years, stretching the military past the breaking point in Iraq? But we must never miss an opportunity to blame something on the Clinton administration, no matter how ludicrous, eh, Bozo?

Exhibit B: In "The Sunday Fix," Cillizzard and Shanunu say, "Freedom Watch, widely seen as conservatives' answer to, has experienced a staff exodus of late that has raised questions about its effectiveness heading into the fall general election." The latest hack to depart was the group's preznit, Bradley Blakeman ("Bradley Blakeman, L. Brent Bozell": do these guys all belong to the same country club?).

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