Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wingnut Chickens Coming Home To Roost

The ambush in Pittsburgh that resulted in the killing of 3 Pittsburgh police officers has an ominous twist. The 23 year old killer, Richard Poplawski, believed that President Obama was going to confiscate guns, according to a longtime friend of his.

Wingnuts everywhere -- from the unstable Glenn "Hanky" Beck to right wing bloggers, from Rep. Michelle "I See Commies Everywhere" Bachmann to the NRA -- have been hinting or claiming outright that the Government was going to strip gun owners of their guns (to which they are apparently clinging bitterly). Nutjobs like Hanky and washed up actor/exercise equipment guru Chuckles Norris are talking about "taking America back" (from who, the majority?). Al Qaeda isn't the only terrorist group gunning for the Government and people of America -- remember Timothy McVeigh and the militias? They're still out there, being egged on by hate radio and the unhinged Rethug politicians who are close to being accessories to the murder of 3 Pittsburgh police officers.