Saturday, April 4, 2009
Talkin' 'Bout a Revolution
Charles Blow sums up our apprehensions about the wingnut media and pols hyping a right-wing "revolution", in his NY Times op/ed, "Pitchforks and Pistols." We've already noted here and here, that there's an increasingly disturbing tendency of the many psychotics and whooping loons in Rethug ranks to cry "revolution" in response to the Obama administration's plans to get America back on track.
As we've said before, could you imagine the wingnut frenzy that would have accompanied, say, a call from Keith Olbermann for an uprising against former preznit Chimpy? Their Underoos would be in a knot, and they'd be foaming at the mouth calling for peremptory hangings! Why? Because only a reactionary Rethug administration is truly legitimate!
And the "mainstream media?" When do you think they'll wake up and take notice of the violent rhetoric?
UPDATE: There's more insanity of this sort being acted out tragically.