... And sometimes it's just a nut. Writing in today's WaPo, Kathleen Parker looks aghast at the "fire-breathers on the right" that are obscuring the Rethug Party "message" (what message would that be: the urban hippity-hop one, the socialist/fascist/democommie Obama one, the party of "no" one, the "extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice" one? etc.). She does, however, stumble blindly on a few truisms about the Limpballs, Mad Randall Terrys, and Alan Keyes of the conservative movement: i.e., that the Rethugs lack a moderating voice and are stuck with the blowhard of the day to represent them.
Our reaction? You reap what you sow, lady, and the Rethugs (the elected ones) have at minimum tolerated, and more often have actively and relentlessly encouraged, the nuttier, more fringe elements of the crackpot right. Now you act surprised when they can't be "moderated." Of course they can't be moderated: you wouldn't have anyone left in the party willing to go out and teabag, or shout "socialist," or in the most horrific case, assassinate the "demons" you've concocted.
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