Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Rethug Aide Wanted "Furry Sex" With Minor

Ah yes, Rethuglican family values. . .

Police in Pennsylvania have arrested Alan "Panda" Berlin for soliciting sex from a minor. Panda was an aide to Pennsylvania Rethuglican State Senator Jane Orie, who has taken strong stands against sexual predators. Apparently Panda was caught when he proposed sex with a 15 year-old while wearing a panda costume. Yes, you read that right. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette says that Panda met his would-be victim on "an internet site for 'furries,' an online community of people who adopt half-animal, half-human personas." Oookaaay.

This makes former Rethug House page-predator Rep. Mark Foley look, um, conservative.

(photo: The symbol of Rethuglican outreach to teens)


  1. i like this story...have not been here in a while and hope all is well with you all!

  2. Welcome back, Suzette. We hope our rather "strident views" don't discourage you from visiting from time to time. Peace.
