As we noted months ago, the newbie junior Senator from North Dakota, Heidi Heitkamp might be something of a DINO wanker. Following her recent appearances on the talk shows, we can confirm our earlier impression was 100 percent accurate. But, we'll defer to budding Heitkamp-watcher and Hackwhackers favorite, Mr. Pierce, to do the honors:
"Watch out for this Heidi Heitkamp person from North Dakota. She'd only been in the Senate for four days and, already, she was sounding like a permafrosted Joe Lieberman. To wit:The rest of Pierce's gutting is well worth the read, of course. Heitkamp, like Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) and about a half-dozen or so "Democrats" in the Senate, is far more interested in keeping her career in politics going than in standing for the principles for which her party has fought for 75 years. At least when you run with a "D" after your name, try to remember the struggles and victories of those who've been in office for more than 4 days before you head out to the studios to play "Sage of the North."
We all need to stop talking in ultimatums and say only these — you know, narrowing the debate, put everything on the table, start working together, that's what you do in America in every small town and every business in America. You don't rule out anything until you've actually had a dialogue.
Also, too — ponies! Actually, I do rule some things out. I rule out, for example, voucherizing Medicare, or privatizing Social Security, or declaring war on Iran, or making firearms mandatory for public schoolteachers, to name just three ideas that have no little popularity in the small town that is America. Ever been to a town meeting in a small town? There are always three nuts who believe the government is controlling their minds through fluoridated water. There is no point in having 'a dialogue' with those people..."
(Photo: Permafrosted Joe Lieberman)
Get a spine heidi heitkamp