Wednesday, January 29, 2014

That's A REAL Thug

New York Teapublican Rep. Michael "Dim" Grimm might want to check his right-wing rage at the doors of the Capitol building from now on.  Last night, toward the end of an interview with local New York station NY1, the reporter (Michael Scotto) shifted topics and asked Dim Grimm about the ongoing Federal investigation into his campaign finances.  Grimm blew up and threatened the reporter with violence, at one point saying he'd break him in half and throw him over the balcony.  The video (at the link) has gone viral, and Grimm has finally apologized, after initially refusing to.

After the recent playoff game between the Seattle Seahawks and the San Francisco 49ers, Seahawk player Richard Sherman delivered an emotional rant on national TV, and was labeled a "thug" by a lot of wingers on social media.  He never threatened anyone with violence, as Dim Grimm did.  That's the mark of a real thug.

BONUS:  And a classy "ladies man," to boot.

BONUS II:  Dim Grimm doesn't pick his victims well (bwahahaha):
Rep. Michael Grimm didn’t know whom he was dealing with on Tuesday when he threatened to throw NY1 reporter Michael Scotto off the US Capitol balcony and “break you in half. Like a boy.” 
The journalist is related to Anthony Scotto, former head of the Brooklyn longshoremen’s union and a former boss in the Gambino crime family.  (our emphasis)
Our assessment:  grim times are in store for Rep. Grimm.

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