Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wanking The State Of The Union

Rather than a State of the Union epilogue, which Charles P. Pierce handles quite nicely here, we want to look at some of the wankery on display last night (in addition, of course, to the thuggish wankery of Rep. Michael "Dim" Grimm noted in the post directly below).

Wanker #1 -  Rep. Tim Huelskamp (Tea-Totally Nuts), who engaged in this incoherent, bullying nonsense with Rachel Maddow:
Huelskamp (with finger-stabbing): The President acted in numerous unlawful manners, particularly in his willingness to suspend parts of Obamacare … I think that’s lawlessness, I don’t think he has that authority. I do not think he had the authority to make recess appointments; I think the Court’s going to agree with me … [snip]
Maddow: Sir, I’m just trying to focus on the case that you’re making, which is that his speech… 
Huelskamp: A speech makes no law! The President makes good speeches… 
Maddow (quoting Huelskamp’s tweet): … “reads like dictates from a King. [hashtag]LawLess”; What did he say in the speech that was lawless tonight? 
Huelskamp: …Fourteen different points where the President said, ‘I don’t like the American people, who they elected…’ That’s what the President was saying! He said, ‘I don’t like Congress! I don’t like the American people that sent these people up here, and so he listed fourteen different dictates, executive orders…
That's exactly what the President said, Rep. Hayseed.. er, Huelskamp.  Where's the guy with the net when you need him?  Also,  Huelskamp has a long history of being a ... dick.  That's why we put him on top of the list, barely.

Wanker #2 -  Rep. Randy Weber (R-Deranged), who tweeted before the SOTU:
On floor of house waitin on "Kommandant-In-Chef"... the Socialistic dictator who's been feeding US a line or is it "A-Lying?" 
Wow.  The Weber in our back yard has more wit and intelligence than this one, and is way less paranoid.

Wanker #3 -  Sen. Mike Lee (R-Cruzland) who, after careful study of the heavily annotated and edited U.S. Conshtitushun he keeps in his jacket pocket next to his copy of "Atlas Shrugged," plus a correspondence course from the Hayek School of 19th Century Economics, has found the source of inequality in America:
But where does this new inequality come from? From government ...
Well, he's right in part.  That would be the part of government and the party to which he belongs, whose unofficial motto is "Benefit Cuts For Thee, Tax Cuts For Me."

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