Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rethugs Starting To Lose On ACA

A good read for today is Salon's Paul Rosenberg, who looks at the political landscape and sees it shifting positively on the Affordable Care Act.  With 8 million new enrollees in the first open period (the next is in November), people that have affordable health insurance for the first time don't want to lose it simply because Rethugs want to deny President Obama success for his signature achievement in his first term.  Dems running for election or re-election are finding ways to cut through the "death panels" manure that the Rethugs have been spreading for years,  reminding voters that the Act takes care of coverage for pre-existing conditions, removes unequal treatment of women, and has reduced health care costs in those states participating.

There will always be a solid minority of low-information voters getting their instructions from the right-wing media echo chamber.  But a growing number of people are seeing the Act not as the "Government takeover" that the right-wing lied about (like they lied about Medicare in the 1960s), but as a positive action that will improve their quality of life, and the lives of future generations.

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