Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Primary Day In Several States

Several states are holding their primaries today to decide which candidates from their parties will face off in November.  Daily Kos has nice a state-by-state analysis of today's primary elections.

Much of the focus has been on internecine teabagger vs. "establishment" right-wing Republican fights in several states, most prominently in Kentucky, where Senate Minority Leader and human-turtle hybrid Mitch "Missy" McConnell has a solid lead over teahadist challenger Matt Bevin.  While Missy appears likely to win the challenge, he faces a much harder fight against presumptive Dem candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes in November.  Also, 25% of Bevin's supporters are saying they'll cross over and vote for Grimes in November.  Also worth watching is the right-wing free for all in Oregon, where the Rethug candidates were in the final poo-flinging stage of campaigning in the past week, including the news that frontrunner Monica "The Huntress" Wehby was accused of "stalking" her ex-husband and a former boyfriend.  Charming.

As in every election, turnout determines outcomes.  In the Rethug primary elections, the lunatic right can be assured of turning out for their teabagger candidates, and in the past they've given us the unelectable likes of Sharron Angle, Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin.  That's the good news.  If Dems don't turn out to vote in November in a big way, that's the bad news.

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