Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Will's Latest Misogyny

George "Ill" Will, the bloodless right-wing gasbag and fluffer for St. Ronnie of Hollywood, has turned his attention from denying climate change and championing plutocrat money in politics as "speech" to sexual assault on college campuses.  Ill Will's column in the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle dealt with campus sexual assaults in a way that only Ill Will knows how:  to trivialize them by saying that assault survivors gain a "coveted status" as victims.  It's a pretty monstrous view, as Esquire.com's Charles P. Pierce observes.

One would think that a moralizing scold like Ill Will -- who described the Clintons as "vulgarians" and who is always ready to tut-tut progressives' foibles -- would be circumspect in his own life.  Not so.  His marriage to his first wife ended after his affair with his girlfriend (now second wife) became open knowledge.  His first wife reportedly tossed out his belongings on his front lawn in Chevy Chase, MD with a note from her saying, "Take it somewhere else, buster."  We couldn't have said it better.

(photo:  Moralist Ill Will covertly observing coed behavior on campus?)


  1. I wonder how Victoria Will feels about all of this. Better still, how would George feel if Victoria were attacked? P.E.C.

  2. Hi P.E.C. -- I'm sure the thought never occurred to Georgie. BtB
