Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Face the Nation Celebrates 60 Years, Most of Them With John McCain

From today's "Reliable Source" feature in the once great Washington Post Bezos Bugle:
More than a dozen members of Congress, R’s and D’s alike, along with a who’s who of Washington TV news, turned up at a splashy fete Monday night to mark the Sunday show’s [Face the Nation's] 60th birthday. Sen. John McCain boasted to the crowd at the Newseum that he had been a guest 101 times.  (our emphasis)
"Face the Nation:  Catapulting Republican Talking Points For Six Decades."

(Photo:  from a previous "bro-date" in 2011, co-hosts Bob Schieffer and Grampy McCain;  where's your other hand, Bob?)

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