Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bibi Bomb Bomb's End Run

When Congressional Rethuglicans, led by Weeper of the House John "Mr. Tangerine Man" Boehner, invited right-wing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu to address the Congress concerning Iran on March 3 -- two weeks before Israel's elections -- it was not only a breach of diplomatic protocol, it was a clear sign of the Israeli Prime Minister's intention to embarrass President Obama and put pressure on his negotiations with Iran.  In the past, Bibi Bomb Bomb has tried to throw a monkey wrench in the delicate negotiations with Iran over their nuclear weapons program, and has shown a strong, open preference for electing Rethuglican politicians, including failed Presidential candidate and narcissistic plutocrat Willard "Mittens" Romney.

With that background, the White House has decided that President Obama won't meet with Bibi Bomb Bomb while he's here, indicating that to do so would send a signal that the U.S. was endorsing him and, by extension, his right-wing Likudnik coalition so close to the Israeli elections.  While this won't stop the meddling Prime Minister from speaking - - or Mr. Tangerine Man from undermining the President's foreign policy -- it's hoped that Israeli voters will see their Prime Minister's cynical hand in American politics and reject him for it.

BONUS:  Steve Benen's piece on the situation with Bibi Bomb Bomb and the Rethugs is well worth a read.

(photo:  Bibi Bomb Bomb on his road show last year, with graphics provided by Wile E. Coyote)

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