Monday, February 2, 2015

A Brit Has A Question For Chris Christie

New Jerksey Governor and man with his own zip code Chris "Krispycreme" Christie is on a resume-padding but largely (heh) ignored trip to Great Britain, where the locals can't quite place the name, but have a related question:
“I’ve vaguely heard of him,” said Michael Rabbett, 67, as he sipped red wine from a plastic cup (“wine beer,” he noted). He paused to let the name roll around in his head. 
“He’s in the background of my head. But not really,” he concluded. 
Alerted to Mr. Christie’s reputation for voluble candor as well as his party affiliation, Mr. Rabbett asked his own question. “Has he told that lady from Alaska to shut up?” 
No, he was informed. Mr. Christie had not tried to silence the former governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. “Well why not?” he inquired.  (our emphasis)
God bless Great Britain!

In light of the current measles outbreak, it's also noted that Krispycreme was asked about vaccination and responded that (the overwhelming scientific evidence in favor of) vaccination should be "balanced" by the parental right to choose not to vaccinate their children.  As should, we presume, the issue of blood letting with leeches vs. not.  What a jackass.

UPDATE:  This self-certified nitwit ophthalmologist is even more of a jackass.  Surprise.

(h/t New York Times, via No More Mister Nice Blog)

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