Tuesday, July 14, 2015

J.E.B.! Bush: Born With A Silver Foot In His Mouth *

This morning, Eugene Robinson notes the unfortunate confluence of J.E.B.! Bush's syntax with Millionaire Mitt Romney's economic royalism:
... Bush made news for announcing an economic strategy that sounded straight from the Mitt Romney playbook. He told the New Hampshire Union Leader that “people need to work longer hours and, through their productivity, gain more income for their families.”
Simple as that, beleaguered American middle-class proles. You’re slacking.
The echo of Romney’s infamous “47 percent” remark was unmistakable. Bush seemed to blame those struggling in these unsettled economic times for their own predicament. Coming from a man who was born into great wealth and privilege, it was tone-deaf to say the least. [snip]
Bush’s supporters claimed that what the candidate meant to say had to do with the millions of men and women who would like to have full-time jobs but are settling for part-time work — and also the millions who have dropped out of the workforce altogether. But why, then, didn’t he speak of the need to create better jobs for the underemployed? Why did he approach the problem from the opposite angle by blaming the workers for their plight(our emphasis)
We'll go with "Because he's a privileged jerk."

Furthermore, as we've been assured, J.E.B.!'s the "smart Bush" (which is a low bar, indeed).   It's just that, as this Wonkette headline notes, "Jeb Bush No Like Big Words."  Here's J.E.B! from the same interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader quoted above:
“This guy — this president and Secretary Clinton and Secretary Kerry – when someone disagrees with their nuanced approach, where it’s all kind of so sophisticated it makes no sense. You know what I’m saying — big-syllable words and lots of fancy conferences and meetings — but we’re not leading, that creates chaos, it creates a more dangerous world.”  (our emphasis)
As Wonkette goes on to note, the Bush family prefers words of one syllable, like "oil" and "bomb."

The fact that this doofus, along with blowhard racist wig-stand Donald "Rump" Trump, is co-leader in the polls for the Republican nomination is a perfect reflection of today's Republican/ New Confederate/ Stupid Party.

* Reference to the late, great Ann Richards' classic put-down of J.E.B.!'s poppy, George Herbert Walker Bush, at the 1988 Democratic convention.

(Photo:  J.E.B.! Bush with Millionaire Mitt Romney:  "We're rich and you're not!")

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