Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Historic Agreement Reached With Iran

Six major powers and Iran have reached a long-term agreement to limit Iran's nuclear capabilities in return for a lifting of economic sanctions which have crippled the Iranian economy.  The agreement would allow Iran to research enriching uranium without accumulating it, and would retain UN embargoes on missile technology and weapons for several years.  In return, billions in frozen assets would be released upon verification of compliance with the agreement.

The right wing Likudnik government of Israel -- the region's only nuclear power -- immediately blasted the agreement as a "mistake of historic proportions" and threatened to use "all means to try and stop the agreement from being ratified," a clear signal that extraordinary pressure would be placed on their Republican allies in Congress -- along with some Democrats -- to block the deal.

The agreement has to go to the respective negotiating governments for review before finalization, but the momentum for a more peaceful region without additional nuclear weapons has begun.

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